2013 Exhibits
Learn about: Bird handling & care with Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary; Snakes & lizards with Reptile Conservation; Biodiversity with Beaty Museum; Cavies & rabbits with Small Animal Rescue; Backyard farming with City Farm Boy; Metro predators with Co-Existing with Coyotes; Urban wildlife with Nature Vancouver & Wildlife Rescue; Fire safety with Vancouver Fire & Rescue
(Exhibits are listed in alphabetical order.)
Beaty Biodiversity Museum
The purpose of this new museum is to enhance people's understanding and appreciation of biodiversity. Museum exhibits, discovery labs and presentations will offer the public access to University of British Columbia's spectacular biological collections of more than two million specimens of plants, insects, fish, vertebrates, fungi and fossils.
(Web: www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca)
City Farm Boy
City Farm Boy is committed to promoting urban agriculture, farming and gardening as a viable and environmentally positive way to enhance landscapes and lifestyles. City Farm Boy designs and installs veggie gardens and provides professional consulting services and educational workshops for people who want to grow their own food. City Farm Boy also grows food for local markets. The veggies are grown on 14 private backyard gardens in Vancouver.
(Web: cityfarmboy.com)
Co-Existing with Coyotes
In the metropolitan core (Vancouver, Burnaby and New Westminster) there are about 200 to 300 coyotes. Coyotes in urban areas will scrounge for food scraps and pet food left outdoors in garbage or compost but their main food source in cities are the large populations of rats and mice. Co-Existing with Coyotes aims to reduce conflict between people, pets and coyotes by providing accessible information through a wide range of media. The program has been developed in cooperation with the Vancouver Park Board and BC's Ministry of Environment in response to increasing public contact with, and demand for information about, coyotes in Vancouver.
(E-mail: coyotes@stanleyparkecology.ca)
Collingwood Policing Centre
Community policing is a results-oriented, community based system relying heavily on the cooperation of policing officers, volunteers, and community members. We believe that we can provide you with the tools to take a leadership role in reducing crime in your neighbourhood. Again this year, Collingwood Policing Centre, in addition to their Earth Day exhibit, will provide on obstacle course along with traffic control volunteers.
(Web: collingwoodcpc.com)
Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary
This non-profit society specializes in parrot rescue, refuge and adoptions. Their purpose is to enhance the quality of life for companion birds through rehabilitation, compassion and the public education in the care of exotic birds. Greyhaven's education programs teach people how to gently handle a bird, learn about the bird's needs and recognize the similarities and differences between humans and exotic birds.
(Web: www.greyhaven.bc.ca)
Vancouver Natural History Society (Nature Vancouver)
Founded in 1918 by Prof. John Davidson, Nature Vancouver's mission is to foster public interest in, education and appreciation of the study of nature; to encourage the wise use and conservation of natural resources; and to promote access to and maintenance of natural areas in the vicinity of Vancouver. The Society is organized into a number of sections; Birding, Botany, Conservation, Geology, Marine Biology and Photography. The Society holds regular evening meetings and invites guest speakers to make presentations on natural history topics, which are open to the general public with no admission fee. The Society publishes Discovery, a journal of natural history, twice a year (available to non-members by subscription). The Society also publishes a quarterly newsletter, Vancouver Naturalist, which contains the details of the Society's programs and events. The Society is a Federated Club of BC Nature.
(Web: naturevancouver.ca)
Small Animal Rescue Society of BC
This committed group of volunteers is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption of homeless and unwanted small animals throughout British Columbia. The society provides a safe shelter for neglected, injured and abandoned animals, and promotes responsible pet guardianship through education, advocacy and spay/neuter initiatives. To date, Small Animal Rescue Society has found over 1,353 homes for small animals in need since October 2004.
(Web: smallanimalrescue.org)
Southeast Vancouver Seniors Arts & Cultural Society
Southeast Vancouver Seniors Arts & Cultural Society is a group of dedicated individuals working to have a seniors' centre built in southeast Vancouver. The centre would house various arts and cultural activities for seniors, serving as a meeting and gathering place for older adults of all ethnic backgrounds.
(Web: svsacs.org)
Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services
From very humble beginnings in 1886, Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services (VFRS) has long been considered one of the finest fire departments to be found anywhere. VFRS is committed to providing high quality, cost effective services for the people who live and work in the city. The mission of the men and women of the VFRS is "People who care about you." Protecting life, property and the environment in the city is our primary objective. As a result, the department responds to a wide variety of emergency and non-emergency incidents throughout Vancouver. Firefighters from No. 5 Fire Station will be bringing their shiny red fire engine again this year to Earth Day at Everett Crowley Park.
(Web: vancouver.ca/fire)
Westcoast Society for the Protection and Conservation of Reptiles
Based mainly in Metro Vancouver and Victoria, Westcoast Society for the Protection and Conservation of Reptiles has been active in B.C. for over 30 years. This non-profit group, made up solely of volunteers, organizes events that counter the vast misinformation currently widespread about reptiles. The group teaches respect and fights fear by introducing people to the amazing beauty of snakes and lizards, and the precious contribution these animals make to the balance and diversity of nature.
(Web: www.wspcr.com)
Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C.
Wildlife Rescue Association of B.C. (WRA) provides leadership in rehabilitating wildlife and in promoting the welfare of wild animals in the urban environment. WRA is a charitable, not-for-profit society, located in Burnaby, British Columbia. A small group of concerned citizens formed the Association in 1979 to assist growing numbers of orphaned and injured wild animals, primarily in the Lower Mainland region. WRA reaches thousands of British Columbians through our newsletter, To The Rescue, which is published three times a year.
(Web: wildliferescue.ca)